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since 2021

Dla kobiet wczoraj, dziś i jutro!
Jesteśmy inicjatywą obywatelską. Działamy na rzecz kobiet w duchu siostrzeństwa silniejszego niż
czas. Wydobywamy z cienia dorobek naszych poprzedniczek, wzmacniamy siebie nawzajem dzisiaj, a dziewczynom z następnych pokoleń chcemy zostawić równiejszy świat. To nasze trzy filary:
• Herstoria – upowszechniamy wiedzę o dokonaniach kobiet w przeszłości;
• Sprawczość – walczymy o widoczność kobiet dziś, sieciując siostrzeństwo;
• Nadzieja – poszukujemy narzędzi dialogu w spolaryzowanym świecie.
Chcemy doprowadzić do utworzenia pierwszej instytucji publicznej w Polsce poświęconej sztuce i historii kobiet. Więcej o tym możesz przeczytać tutaj


2023 Jak nie zgubić sztuki kobiet? Conversation series, MuHER, Dom Norymberski

2023 Deep Sea Babies conference, We are all bodied of Water, short film screening, Dom Norymberski, Kraków, Poland

2022 We are All Bodies of Water, short film screening, Kino Paradox, Kraków, Poland

2022 Hilma af Klint. The Pioneer of Abstraction, film screening, Kino Pradox, Kraków, Poland

2022 Ariadna Zine launch, Eszeweria, Kraków, Poland

2022 I am by Ogi Ugonoh,  film screening, Kino Paradox, Kraków, Poland

2022 Czas pozytywistek, production of satellite events during the literary conference, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

2021 How to Design a Participatory Museum, virtual tour of the HERstory of Art Museum, Fundacja Galerii Piana, Kraków, Poland

HERstory of Art Museum's Jak nie zgubić sztuki kobiet/ How Not to Lose Women's Art, at Dom Norymberski, Kraków, Poland:


18.05.2023 Jak samej o sobie nie zapominać? Dylematy nie tylko artystek z w/Marcelina Amelia

25.05.2023 Jakich krakowskich artystek – na pewno! – nie chcemy zapomnieć?

w/Alicja Zioło

1.06.2023 ak nie szufladkować kobiet? Sztuka nie do szuflady w/Agata Kokoryn

NOC POEZJI - conversation with Malgorzata Drohomirecka 

Malw Miel "Sprawię, że oszalejesz" 

Margarita Dyushko, „Maci. Jana jašče tut | Mother. She’s still Here”


2022 Abstract Dialogues: Joanna Pottle and Julia Leś, STAKKATO, Kraków, Poland

2021 The Polonia Case: Artist Discussion, Malgorzata Drohomirecka, Izabela Morska, Ula Chowaniec, Centrala Gallery, Birmingham, UK


2022 Demakijaż Festival of Women's Art: Care, Lublin, Poland

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since 2020

Red Zenith Collective is a dedicated platform for empowering and supporting women, female-identifying and non-binary creatives from Eastern and Central Europe, with events to encourage collaborative learning and promote cultural understanding. It was founded by Marta Grabowska, an independent Polish curator and Zula Rabikowska, Polish photographer.

2020 Faces of Racism in CEE, the Red Zenith Collective seminar, online

RED ZENITH DIALOGUES, an online series for the Red Zenith Collective interviews with women and non-binary creatives with a link to CEE:

Dec 2021 Women 21 Century Collective w/ Maja Kolarz

Nov 2021 The Ambiguity of Visual Representations of Trauma and other photographic projects w/ Linda Zhengová

Nov 2021 The Polonia Case w/ Małgorzata Drohomirecka

Jul 2021 Echo Gone Wrong magazine w/ Vitalija Jasaitė and Neringa Černiauskaitė

Jun 2021 The Hidden Mothers Project w/ Tereza Bušková

Apr 2021 Independent curating and the "real face" of the art world w/ Vanessa Giorgio

Apr 2021 What is Slow Art? Slow Exhibition-making w/ Entrance Gallery curators Tereza Jindrová and Veronika Čechová

Apr 2021 I am the emotional gradation of my colors w/ Anca Stefanescu

Mar 2021 Being one of the 100 Artists of Tomorrow w/ Kinga Nowak

Mar 2021 Take your # off my vag w/ dr Alicja Pawluczuk aka HYSTERA

Feb 2021 B-East Association and Polish folk cut-outs w/ Karolina Kazimierska

Feb 2021 Running an independent art gallery - Stroboskop Art Space w/ Kathryn Zazenski

Dec 2020 BLM Movement in Arts and the Power of Dance w/ Julia Stachura

Nov 2020 Aims and values of ZA*Group w/ Vera Zalatuskaya and Yulia Krivich

Oct 2020 Directing the Narva Art Residency w/ Ann Mirjam Vaikla

Sep 2020 LGBTQI+ rights in Romania w/ Antonella Lerca

Aug 2020 Women Cinema and the Demakijaż Film Festival in Lublin w/Joanna Bednarczyk and Jolanta Prochowicz

Jul 2020 Curating and the curatorial in CEE w/ Karina Cabaniková

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since 2019 

artBLAB runs a series of laid-back lectures about art and its whereabouts. On the artBLAB events, artists and art professionals representing various disciplines come together to celebrate creativity. 

I was approached by the founder, Michal Piotrowski, and in July 2019 I delivered a talk about Independent Curating.My participation in the event was followed by a proposition to curate the future line-up and exhibitions. I am responsible for researching and liaising with potential speakers, and share the duties of designing the promo materials, composing interview questions and updating the social media. 

I have also created the #artblabonline series that will run for the period of the pandemic and host artists and art professionals based in the UK and abroad.

2020 Text. Innovative poetry Exhibition, artBLAB online

artBLAB online, an online series of Q&A's with interdisciplinary artists from the UK and beyond:

2020 Swimming in Soup w/Niamh Seana Meehan
2020 The Mystery Beyond the Rostrum w/I-Chien Tang

2021 The Face of the Other w/ Marta and Mathew Hawkins, artBLAB online


Kookaburra Gallery

2018 - 2020

Kookaburra Gallery was an online art platform that emerged from the need to find a flexible and alternative exhibition space in London, a city packed with unaffordable to artists and audiences alike, commercial galleries.

The first series of exhibitions included works by Polish photographers: Pawel Piotrowski, Patrycja Bramora, Izabela Jastrzebska and Kinga Swietek.

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since 2016

ONE Project is a creative duo with an innovative approach to presenting and perceiving art, championing and researching the notion of Slow Art. Together with Magdalena Zoledz, we curate a program of exhibitions, art residencies and events that centre around the idea of showcasing one artwork.

2020 Slow Art Day festival, artBLABx ONE Project: No return to Comfort Zone, online

2020 Beyond C, Saskia Rodriguez, London, UK

2020 ONE Book Residency vol.2: Ways of Seeing by John Berger, online

2020 ONE Project Messe, Truman Social, London, UK

2018 You Are Only an Image to Me, M. Żołędź, T. Litra, San Mei Gallery, London, UK

2018 Scarlet House, I. Jastrzębska, 971620 GALLERY, Luton, UK

Projects: Projects

©2023 by Curatoress.

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